Monday, November 27, 2006

month late blog summary. ooooops.

Somehow I thought my blog discussion was at the end of November, but it turns out I missed it...oops. I'm really sorry about my lack of blogging in general. :( I'm not at all used to doing blogging like this and it never occurs to me just to go write a post unless it's an assignment...and unfortunately I missed the one big assignment I had. I went back and looked at all the blogs between November 7th and the 13th and there was only one, by Jweb. Apparently more people than just myself are having troubles blogging regularly. I'm not sure what to sum up so since I missed so much, I'll sum up the 14th-present.

Many people blogged on the gospel music list, several saying it was easy listening and others saying it was hard. One person mentioned that they expected the gospel music to be uplifting, but quite contrary it was rather depressing and dismal. People commented mostly on how the songs were sung (many a capella, large choirs, cool rhythms, etc.) Several people mentioned the sermons. Liz said that the preacher was passionate and broke into song at times which sounded like a positive remark, while others seemed to think that his style was annoying and hard to listen to. in another blog, Liz asked the question does he really feel passionate about what he's preaching or is he just doing that to get audience approval? Good question I thought. Overall, people seemed to like the gospel listenings.
Little Red Rabbit observed that most people don't blog much at all (including me). I think a blog is a sort of hard way to do a's natural for some people to blog and not for others.
Stephanie finally got the folkways chapter 4 to work, Go Stephanie!
Kelsey said she went to swing club (she did, I was there!) with Dan and she enjoyed it. I'm glad she went, and I hope more people go...except now it's kind of late to still learn for the Jamboree. Still, I think everyone should check it out.
Kat also mentioned seeing the Decemberists in concert and going to the movie The Fountain, and someone else mentioned going to see the RHCP. cool beans.

Since I haven't blogged much on my own I'll do a little more than just the summary.
I've felt sort of frustrated with the jamboree. I feel like I have responsibility since only mary beth and I know how to swing dance, and yet I don't have any more power than anyone else in the class. I feel expected to teach everyone how to dance, but I'm not really in charge of the class. I didn't thinmk we had really talked about swing dancing for the jamboree except that everyone liked my presentation with mary beth at the last minute so suddenly we were doing swing dancing instead of a movie. I will be glad to have the jamboree over with.

Sorry again that this is so late in coming...have a good day, all

1 comment:

Nic McPhee said...

I can understand why you were frustrated in the run up to Jamboree, and I think your comments about responsibility without power were spot on.

It's important to realize, though, that having power is quite often simply a matter of taking and exercising it. In the absence of clear leadership, simple action often confers power and wins the day.

I think you and MaryBeth both underestimated the amount of power you had because so many people were expecting you to save their bacon. One of the most effective ways to exercise that sort of power is to simply not act unless others agree to pull their weight. Something like "I'm happy to help teach dancing, but only if you folks actually participate and dance. If you don't, I quit and you all can scramble up an alternative." Put that way, it's a lot less work to dance than to come up with something new.